We had an Easter egg cross country event Sunday 27th March on the field at the back of the track organised by Ian Wallis for the Under 9s to Under 15s.
The Under 9 girls was won by Anastasia Velicka 2nd Darcie Collins 3rd Aime Brogan
Under 9 boys 1st Edward Jones 2nd Daniel Toole 3rd James Lombard
Under 11 girls 1st Lucy Valentine 2nd Freya Lombard 3rd Charley Marsden and Cara Collins
Under 11 boys 1st Matthew Wood 2nd Elliott Molineux 3rd Leo Cooke
Under 13 girls 1st Emily Wood 2nd Cerys Jones 3rd Caitlen Collins
No under 13 boys
Under 15 girls 1st Scarlett Thompson 2nd Jessica Swales
No under 15 boys
All the athletes had a great fun morning and all received two easter egg each. There was a Mothers Day prize draw also.
A big Harriers Thank You to Ian Wallis for organising the event and for Ian Jakeway setting up the course.
The club would also like to thank all our junior members who participated and their parents/families for supporting the event.